May 18, 2015

Week of 05/10/15 - C++ Part 5: New Computers, New Problems

    This Tuesday, I was not in class because of testing, so I apologize if this post is short.

    On Thrusday, I discovered that our computer lab got some new computers while I was testing. I was not aware we would be getting new computers, so I lost everything. Luckily none of it was important. The class was spent getting used to OSX 10.10 Yosemite, along with installing Codeblocks, and installing Xcode so that I can use GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, in the command line to compile C++ I write in text files. However, after many compiler problems and issues that I was trying to fix, I decided to move from Code::Blocks to CodingGround, the online site I used for Python.

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